Our community thrives on its unique diversity, encompassing cultural differences, geographical locations, and professional paths. To foster stronger connections among alumni/ae and current students, we have established the Alumni/ae Mentors program. These dedicated volunteers generously offer their time and expertise to support current students, recent college graduates, and young alumni/ae navigating career transitions.
As mentors, they provide valuable guidance, sharing insights on career paths, facilitating internships, and assisting young individuals in expanding their professional networks.
Their commitment strengthens our global community, perpetuating the St. Stephen's experience of nurturing close relationships built upon trust and care.
If you are interested in becoming a St. Stephen's Mentor or Mentee, please contact our Alumni Relations Director at simona.monaco@sssrome.it.
"Let us continue to build meaningful connections within our community, empowering one another to thrive and carry forward the St. Stephen's legacy."
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