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Classroom Renovations and Technology Upgrades
St. Stephen’s School Completes Major Renovations and Technology Upgrades
Welcome Back to School!

This past summer, St. Stephen's School embarked on a transformative journey to modernize our classrooms, creating enhanced learning spaces for our students. We are thrilled to share the results of this ambitious project and express our deepest gratitude for the generous support of our community, which made these renovations possible. Your contributions have had a lasting impact, helping to create a brighter, more engaging environment that will benefit St. Stephen’s students for years to come.

Project Overview

Under a tight two-month timeline, we successfully renovated 28 classrooms, upgrading them into modern, technology-enhanced learning spaces. The project excluded only the science and art labs and the library/iLab. The goal was to improve not just the physical appearance of these rooms but to create spaces that would foster creativity, concentration, and collaboration among students.

The project began with carefully selecting an architect and construction team capable of completing the work within our summer window. After interviewing eight companies, we secured a team with the necessary expertise to deliver high-quality results. At the same time, we coordinated with furniture and technology vendors to ensure all essential equipment and furnishings were in place before the school year began.

Key Achievements

Here’s what we were able to accomplish:

Electrical Upgrades
Classrooms were gutted and rewired to support the needs of modern technology.

Structural Work
The Walls were sanded and repainted, giving each classroom a refreshed and professional look.

New Furniture
Ergonomic chairs and desks were installed for students and teachers, prioritizing comfort and focus.

Acoustic Improvements
Sound panels, which double as bulletin boards, were added to enhance sound quality in every classroom.

Upgraded Lighting
Dimmable, adjustable lighting was installed in all classrooms, providing flexibility and a more inclusive environment for neurodivergent learners.

Upgraded Learning Tools
New glass whiteboards and interactive whiteboards (IWBs) were added to enhance teaching and engagement.

Project Outcome

The renovation and upgrade project was completed to the highest standards, with overwhelmingly positive feedback from the school community:

Teacher Feedback
Educators have noted that the updated classrooms improve their ability to engage students and make use of new technologies.

Student Response
Students have expressed excitement about the modernized spaces, stating that they now feel more focused and motivated during lessons.

Family Support
Parents and families have voiced their approval, commending the school’s commitment to providing a top-tier learning environment.

Looking Ahead

As we begin the new school year, we’re excited about the positive impact these renovations will continue to have on both students and staff. The updated classrooms are not just aesthetically improved; they reflect our ongoing dedication to creating the best possible setting for learning and growth.

New School Policies

In addition to the renovations, we’d like to inform you of our recently updated mobile phone policy, which aims to further improve the learning atmosphere. This updated policy can be found on PlusPortals and is attached to this communication.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your invaluable support. These improvements wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity of our community, and we are deeply grateful for your commitment to St. Stephen’s School.

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