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Financial Aid & Scholarships
in focus
Need-based financial assistance aims to make a St. Stephen’s education possible for students who would not otherwise have the means to fully participate in our program.

The School has historically been able to support admitted families requiring financial assistance as part of its commitment to having an accessible education for talented students across socio-economic levels. We are grateful for the generosity of our community and the strength of our endowment, which have allowed us to award grants ranging from partial to nearly full tuition each year. 

In 2022-2023, St. Stephen’s contributed over 500,000 euros to 15% of our student body.

Please contact our Director of Financial Aid, Jennifer Walbridge, to schedule an appointment if you require assistance. The Financial Aid form should be submitted before or by the application deadline.  See Admissions timeline.

St. Stephen’s makes every effort to recognize the distinctiveness of each family’s situation and award grants that fully meet their demonstrated need. Current and applying families seeking tuition assistance are asked to complete this form every year. Many factors are taken into consideration, including, but not limited to, the following when assessing need:

  • All sources of income from each household
  • The number of children attending tuition-charging schools
  • Assets (investments, home equity, automobiles, etc.)
  • Credit card and educational debt
  • Mortgage/Rent
  • Employment status
  • Investment properties
  • Supplemental businesses
  • Specific forms of depreciation
  • Unreimbursed medical expenses
  • Costs associated with additional dependents

Any information pertaining to a family’s financial situation, including decisions, are confidential, and families are encouraged to communicate directly with the Director of Financial Aid (  about any additional concerns or questions that might arise throughout the application process. 

in focus
Awarding scholarships supports and recognizes deserving students who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership potential, or other exceptional qualities while promoting diversity and access to education at St. Stephen’s School.

Eligibility Criteria

Academic Achievement: A partial or full scholarship may be awarded based on academic merit to students who consistently demonstrate outstanding performance in their studies, as determined by their grades, standardized test scores, and teacher recommendations.

Financial Need: A partial or full scholarship may also be offered to students who demonstrate financial need, as assessed through a thorough evaluation of their family's financial circumstances.

Leadership and Community Involvement: A student may also be considered for a partial or full scholarship for exhibiting exceptional leadership skills, active participation in extracurricular activities, and making significant contributions to the school and local community.

Cultural: A partial or full scholarship may be provided based on additional criteria that enhance the School’s international and multicultural environment and bring specific talents, interests, or accomplishments as deemed appropriate by the School.

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