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Year Abroad Program
in focus
St. Stephen’s welcomes boarders from independent and international schools in the United States, Europe, Central and South America, Russia, and Asia each year.

Students who wish to study abroad in Rome may join us in their sophomore, junior or senior year for a semester or year to enhance their knowledge and appreciation of Rome’s diverse historical and cultural offerings. Course selections include classical Greek and Roman Studies, Art History, Italian, Latin, black-and-white photography, digital photography, drawing and painting, coding and robotics, and other courses.

Students participating in this program may continue to follow some Advanced Placement courses (AP) and prepare for the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs). In evaluating candidates for the semester or year abroad program, we look for students who can excel in a challenging academic environment while actively participating in the cultural, travel, and service opportunities that the School offers.

Two of our partner schools in the United States are the Choate Rosemary Hall School of Wallingford, CT, and Buckingham, Brown & Nichols of Cambridge, MA. We recently hosted boarders from Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH.


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